Microdermabrasion Repairs

Microdermabrasion Machine Repairs – Let Us Help!

At Skin for Life, we specialize in repairing both Skin for Life and non-Skin for Life microdermabrasion machines. As a USA-based manufacturer, we are one of the last professional companies offering expert repair services for these machines.

The microdermabrasion machine in our video belonged to a customer who was ready to throw it away and purchase a new one. Instead, we asked her to send it to us for evaluation. The result? Her machine only needed routine servicing, proving that our Nue Skin Microdermabrasion Machines are built to last a lifetime.

Just when you think your machine has reached the end of its life—trust us, it hasn’t! Our machines are reliable, easy to maintain, and performance-driven. The unit in our video was built in 2010, and it still has many years of service left.

If your microdermabrasion machine needs repair, don’t give up on it just yet. Contact Skin for Life’s service department today—we’re here to help!